[WORKFLOW: the SANDBOX interior created in SketchUp and rendered in Enscape as a 360 panoramic image. Then uploaded to Kuula virtual tour platform and further media embedded. .](https://kuula.co/share/collection/7vrZw?logo=-1&info=0&fs=0&vr=0&gyro=0&autorotate=-0.2&autop=10&autopalt=1&thumbs=-1&margin=30&alpha=0.60&keys=0)

WORKFLOW: the SANDBOX interior created in SketchUp and rendered in Enscape as a 360 panoramic image. Then uploaded to Kuula virtual tour platform and further media embedded. .

The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman - 1954.mp3

Go on. Press Play. It’s The Chordettes!



noun. a box or receptacle for holding sand, especially one large enough for children to play in.

an environment in which software developers or editors can create and test new content, separate from other content in the project (often used attributively).

the SANDBOX is located within the Department of Interior Design on the first floor of the VJP building in VP1.34.

But what is VP1.34?

It’s a space for three-dimensional digital experimentation and ‘creative play’, predominantly with virtual and augmented realities and the communication of three dimensional environments.

A space for suggestions and speculative propositions. Suggestions that will initiate experiments and experiences that in turn will inform and inspire pedagogy, create research and provide potential enterprise with industry.